Saturday, December 18, 2010

A boy among men

This picture was taken at the Fossil run in Oregon in the mid-eighties. I really like this photo because there is a bunch of stuff going on: there is the blonde kid on the left sporting a pair of suspenders, the kid in the dolphin shorts sucking on a balloon like it’s his mother’s tit, the stash of water balloons piled behind the boys (who all have one in their hands), and I dig how the adults are all watching to see how the young one does, not to mention the guy on the Sportster, who just had his turn, giving him the evil eye.

I love that while the other kids were content to just help fill and ready the balloons, this little dude goes beyond that and mounts his bike, which is painted up like a WW II fighter, to hang with the big boys. Not sure if he popped the balloon or not, but then again who cares. The fact that he was able to control his bike with one hand while with the other wield a stick taller than himself and take aim with a business end of a nail on a free-swinging target is way beyond cool.

And you just know that today this kid is out there somewhere tearing it up on a chopped knuck or pan.

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