Saturday, November 27, 2010

Days past

I spent the day scanning (actually taking pictures of, and then downloading) some of my old photos, which I'll be posting from time to time. They're blurry, grainy, and mostly off-color. You have to remember these pictures were taken with an Instamatic-type camera which gave you no zoom or varying exposure features and focusing was at best, a crap shoot. But then again the imperfections are what give these pictures character, which is what I really like about them.

Most of this stuff is from the early 80's to mid-90's and are of runs we used to go on, like the Rhody Run, the Old Time Fiddlers Contest in Weiser, Idaho, various local ABATE runs in Oregon and Washington, and Sturgis. There are photographs of friends and people I look up to (some of which are no longer with us), bikes that I like (almost all are pre-evo), and life on the road.

As with a lot of older guys, to me, riding back then was different and it meant something. When you rode a Harley you earned it (much like the kid in the new title picture) by learning your place and giving respect to your elders and especially to those who paved the way before you. It was a simpler, a more black and white time, and either you got it or you were sent on your way (and usually in a not-so-gentle manner). Of course there were hardships and money always seemed tight but it made being able to ride and getting together all that much sweeter.

They were good times with good people...

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